domingo, 29 de maio de 2011

When walking gets boring


You know when your English has improved when:

- Someone who doesn't shut up just talk with you for at least 30 min (as fast she could do it) without a paused dipped breath.
- When you get lost
- When you have to do something difficult as order food at Mc Donalds, just because their employees are a pain in a neck
- When you spend 2 hours on the phone trying to planning your trip with a girl with that "cute" British accent;
- When your bank account has been cloned, and you gotta send application forms as faster as you can, or you gotta lose your money;
- Someone tells you "oooooo look how improved your English got since you came here"
- When you have a conversation with a redneck, and you guys are able to communicate as well =z
- When you are hanging out with your foreign friends.. you always learn or teach something different
- When you can read a book, paper, magazines, tv news without a dictionary help

I am not gonna talk about movies, shows, cartoons and those kind of stuff.

Well, I am always concerned about things I haven't done, places I haven't gone, money I haven't made, things I couldn't see... opportunities I loose, people I just knocked out of my life... and time I spent doing anything.

As well I did good at the last 10 months (I do think so). I've learned how to fly, and as the people always says, when you learn it, to walk gets to boring.. and I am afraid.

I have no idea in what my life is gonna turn in the next 2 months. How's gonna be my experience of going back home after a shorter while away, but it makes me feel happy anyway!

One thing that I am sure is that I have made a change going on inside me, and I didn't do it by myself. I believe that ALL things works for our good, and those moments here in the US, was a special gift from God to my life.


sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011

Still believe.. nothing is impossible

I wrote this text in 2th January, 2011 at CNN studios..

Dreams is one of my favorite subjects, just because some of us have forgotten to believe in it when the world shows us the impossibilities to get it come true. I don´t remember if I wrote something about it before, probably yes, because how I've told you guys, this is my favorite thing to write and think about.

Today was a special day in my life, I went to CNN tour with my friend Lidiane who studied Journalism with me in the College when we were in Brazil. We'd gotten so excited with everything that we had seen there. We could watch journalists making television news happen inside the CNN Studios, and we also had seen the breaknews equipments. They all have the perfect television equipments that I've seen in my whole life, so I confessed that I was jealousy to be JUST watching them with a glass in front of my face. I made a question to myself “why can't I to be inside making the news in the real time with them? I've my answer now: because this is not time to work with, it's just MY time to learn with.

That building is really big and awesome, there was some rooms of International News, Radio, CNN in Spanish and some restaurants inside. For now I am think about to follow my career in Journalism and make sure that my resume is really better than when I came here. Maybe I will go ahead to book some Spanish classes on the college close to my home this year. I think I will need to learn my third language while I am living in the US. Maybe when I have my vacations, I will go ahead to know more about the world. Yes, I am planning to go to Europe.. I already know that just English is not good enough to follow my career. I need to enjoy the time while I've been here to get some more cultural experience, and just to be ready to be a good journalist when I get back to my country.

The year of 2011 will be a good year in my life ( my wish list is already done.. hahah). I know that God has big surprises to me and He gave me the first one when this year began. I really deserve you all were there with me to see my happy face and my big smile.

I am so thankful for all the things that Lord have done, and my question to you all is: Is something impossible to Lord? Not, nothing is impossible. If you just believe in his power, He can make his way in your life and make his dreams (that is better than yours) came true.

Just believe!